Dayton Ohio 19 Something and 5 - 7 inch 

Dayton Ohio 19 Something and 5

Isn't it great to exist 
At this point in time?
Where the produce is rotten 
But no one is forgotten
On strawberry Philadelphia Drive
Children in the sprinkler
Junkies on the corner
The smell of fried foods 
And pure hot tar
Man, you needn't travel far 
To feel completely alive
On strawberry Philadelphia Drive
On a hazy day in 19 something and 5


It is my destiny
To dye it with her tears
Common ties selected
From loose threads in the blanket
Where'd you get the girl?
Across the mighty highway
Disappeared in her apartment
Never to return

No Welcome Wagons

Pandemonium ensues
Sure enough fire and the dog barks
Let's get acquainted
Been so many days or should I say
"So long"
On the outset jets coming
People tend to take you away
Send me to the grip of funerals
The pain is in each character
Facing it always does
Wake up and pray tell
Where can we get off
Lean one
Double up your fists for the undercut
Pandemonium subsides
Rest assured
No welcome wagons will be there
When I get home

Selective Service

Beyond honky hearts
In the bengal lunch
Where distributors launch
A thoroughbred party
Madly they bite at the
Beauty of life
All forgiveness included
And fuckin' shit that
Requires insight
Don't preach, reach!
You know God loves you when you try
Of the same blood that stirs
Making men mean
Wake up fresh
And take a rake
Give up the blues
Let's build something less fake